Introducing, Asia Wealth Trust - custom solutions to protect the wealth of Asia's High Net Worth.

Our premier product is our Unique Funding Program™ for shareholders of public companies. 
The process is fast, confidential and a must for anyone with great exposure to today’s volatile markets. 

The market is volatile - now is the time to position yourself or your client for what the risks ahead.

              About the program:

Unlike Stock Loans or Margin Facilities, Asia Wealth Trust’s Unique Funding Program™ provides the capital recipient with many valuable benefits. Asia Wealth Trust’s (“UFP”) requires no personal or corporate guarantee to qualify. 

Additional benefits include a low annual fee and the ability for the capital recipient to use the funds as they deem appropriate. 
There are no restrictions on use of funds and no requirement to purchase additional equities or other financial products or to keep the money “in house”.
Finally, capital recipient opens an account in their own name and Asia Wealth Trust funds the account prior to shares transferring.

Our Services

Equity Finance

Asset protection via insurance products - jumbo whole life policies etc

Citizenship by Investment

Asset protection via spv's (single or special purposes vehicles) and by crying jurisdictions.

Portable & Movable Assets

Private Banking

Assets Protection via Trust

Estate Planning Strategies

Asset protection via real estate as hedge against volatile stock markets and ownership in varying jurisdictions.